Versatile Structures

Lismore Council green leaf shade structure installed by Versatile Structures

Lismore Council Green Leaf shade structure

Lismore Council green leaf shade structure installed by Versatile Structures

Lismore Council Green Leaf shade structure

The Lismore City Hall to the River Pedestrian Spine project is the construction of a 2.5m wide concrete footpath connecting Lismore City Hall to the existing path at Riverside Park, through the centre of Heritage Park.


Heritage Park in Lismore is a kid’s paradise – and a treat for their parents too – with cleverly designed play equipment, a water play-area and a miniature railway that runs around the park.


Collaborating with Lismore City Council and following their base-level specifications to encompass leaves, trees and the natural elements of their existing parklands, Versatile Structures produced five custom leaf shade structures made from Monotec Shade Cloths by Pro-Knit Industries 370, know as an “install and forget” shade cloth.

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